Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Who knew clipboards could be so fun! A great organizational tool as well as fun to look at now with just a few embellishments. You can learn how to update your clipboards with this simple DIY from Kotori. Or if you prefer just to purchase a finished product, visit bowpeepcreations. The last two images are from their site, and I must admit, they are too adorable. I think I might make or buy these to log bakery orders; anything to be a little more organized is a bonus for me. :)

Friday, September 25, 2009


I love hair stuff that is quirky and different, so needless to say, I love LoBoheme! These would be wonderful for weddings and nice events.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Fall Into Autumn

Today is the first day of fall (or autumn if you prefer), so instead of my usual cool finds, I will leave you with some fall inspired pictures and creations.

Thursday, September 17, 2009


ArtCult is an graphic artist on Etsy that makes really cute and original artwork. She creates everything from Japanese characters to vintage style pieces. Great stuff!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Jennifer Squires Productions

Looking to spruce up your home? Jennifer Squires Productions is a shop I found on Etsy that sells modern photographs that I think are beautiful and would bring some light to drab decor. I might buy the cupcake one...love it!

Friday, September 11, 2009


Humblebea is a store that specializes in all these cute "Wee.." characters. I absolutely adore them! Too cute. I picked this picture to help me brainstorm some Halloween ideas. It seems far away, but it's really just around the corner. Eek!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Creature Comforts

Creature Comforts is much like my blog where the blogger posts inspirational items that spark creativity, and as an added bonus...they also include great DIY tips. Check out the site for your own inspiration and some cool free downloads too!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

The Waitress

The Waitress is one of my absolutely favorite movies. I love the way she dreams up new pies and how each one has to do with something significant in her life. Quite an inspiring movie for all creative people.

Thursday, September 3, 2009


I am always in search of cute handbags and clutches, so it was quite exciting when I stumbled across Oktak. Their products are now very high on my list of must-haves. They are located in New York and most of their items are made from rare vintage textiles. They also make baby goods that you have to check out. If you are interested, you can purchase items at their Etsy shop. Love it! :)


So I am loving this Millefiori stuff from Italy! Thanks to my boss Mara who introduced me to this, I got to enjoy the images of these cool, colorful and unique beads. :)

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